Turning the every”day” into holi”day”…A Christmas Frame Collage!


‘Tis the season to decorate and get into some festive DIY-ing! Here is an idea for transforming existing wall decor to go with the holiday theme.

This year I decided to print off a few favorite holiday photos from years past and find some holiday themed frames.  Combining the frames with Christmas decor that usually hangs throughout the home created a holiday themed frame collage in the entry!

christmas frame collage

Stay tuned…a festive crafting party is in the works and we will be sure to share the details. Our inspiration is coming from here, and we cannot wait!

Sharing today on  http://diyshowoff.com/category/other/that-diy-party/ ! Head on over for some fantastic ideas!


Naptime DIY: Wooden Chevron Painted Letters



The space above the playroom shelves has always baffled me. I have tried clipboards for artwork, wall talk, frames, plants, clock. And nothing has felt “right”.

I’d had my eye on these wooden letters at our local craft store, and when they went on clearance at the end of last week, I knew this was my chance. You should have seen me in the aisle trying to spell words with the letters that were left available!

be awesome

Finally thrilled with being able to spell “be awesome” {Inspired by Little Miss Momma’s Be Awesome Today sign by Barn Owl Primitives, I loaded the letters into my cart {and put the many other letters back in their homes awaiting the next nap time crafter}. In the end I had to settle with 2 letters from an all white set but I think it works for the first letter if each word.

Using green painters tape, white craft paint and a roller, I got to “chevron-ing” the wooden letters. They have these neat peel off sticky strips that I used to affix the letters to the wall. Naptime crafting with minutes to spare!



What I love about the placement of this statement is that its our first view as we leave our bedrooms to start out day.

Be awesome? Sure, I think I will.

What positive statements get you through your day?








Happy Mother’s Day!

To all the Mama’s out there – celebrate today.   Do something special for yourself – guilt free – you are deserving!  For all of you who have a Mom or know a Mom – do something to remind them how special they are.

I printed this and put it in a  white frame from the dollar store and put it in the center of my kitchen table.  It brightened up the room and reminded me to be good to myself this week – because of who I am and all I do.

Mother's Day 2013I found this printable on Creative Cain Cabin  139932516-Mothers-Day-Printablehttp://www.creativecaincabin.com/2013/05/mothers-day-printable-free.html?showComment=1367971297061#c3048034874466554053

You can find a different free Mothers Day printable printable from A Night Owl


What special thing did you do for your Mom today?  What did you do to celebrate you?

DIY No Sew Pillow

never doubt the power of a beauty tablecloth i say!

not long ago, i upholstered my kiddos headboard with a funky table cloth i found. i had some left over fabric laying around and remembered a Pinterest crafting eve the Purple Eggplants had back in January where we created no sew pillows, with some felt and a glue gun. we were not blogging back then so didn’t capture any fancy photos of all of our creations, but here is one of them.

312403_10152673774560107_78233220_nAndie found this super inspiring tutorial from the Crafting Chicks and created a gorgeous purple felt flower pillow that had no sewing that Mel and i were oggling over. with Andie’s guidance on our “Pinterest-ing Eve” we all left happy with our new fancy and simple pillow creations !

{our goal is to have monthly creating sessions, and we are keeping track of our “must crafts” on our shared Pinterest board. any cool crafting ideas you’ve found? please share them with us in the comments section !}

with the leftover headboard tablecloth fabric, i duplicated the yellow felt flower pillow. super simple. i was a bit worried about hot gluing the fabric, but so long as you fold in the open edges and place a line of hot glue between them, it works just as well as the felt did !

a headboard and pillow with a $14.99 table cloth. i say that’s one sweet deal !

fabric and felt

i am also digging the felt on fabric look too. so much that i found a funky body pillow pillowcase that i think will make some pretty cool looking pillow covers once i am through with it !


the 3 of us got together to blog chat the other eve and had to of course integrate some crafting ! here is a sneak peak ~ stay tuned for some of our jewlery creations !


way simple DIY upholstered headboard in pictures

if you’ve been following us at Purple Eggplant you may know that my little C had recently been upgraded to a big girl bed. we converted her crib into the toddler bed version and she was sleeping pretty. until i noticed a random limb sticking out. until she began to roll out onto the floor in the middle of the night. until she brought about 20 (i am not exagerating) lovies to bed. until i realized my 2 & 3/4 kiddo is wearing size 5 clothing and may just be too darn big for this toddler bed.

so the hunt was on for a twin bed. and i fell in love with one. fell hard, and so did my C. “i cant wait to open my pretty pink bed. maybe it will come with jellybeans and lollipops” !

and as i was about to order, one on my Purple Eggplant friends said “oh no Jay i think you are on the US site!”… well i didn’t panic…no it couldn’t be…i had ordered from this site before. but there it was. up in the top right corner. the US flag. determined that i was to get my C her pink tufted bed, i continued my search and simply could not find this (albeit overpriced) beauty of a bed in Canada.

this experience led me to this post i share with you today and how i went about making my own headboard for way cheaper.

i just could not find something i loved at any stores locally. then recently i was at homesense and came across this wicked fabric Colin & Justin table cloth. trying to think of a reason to buy it, it hit me ! this could be the fabric for a DIY headboard – and for only $14.99 !


onto our local classifieds site i went and found a twin headboard for $20. by the end of the day i was a proud owner of a headboard, fabric, batting, and a DIY project that would give me a break from this paper i am trying to write !

your 4 supplies:

  • staple gun
  • batting
  • fabric (if you can score a table cloth you will save tons and theres the added benefit of being able to wipe it off fairly easily for all the kiddo reasons you might need to)
  • headboard (or you could measure 41″x24″ plywood and it would do the trick)


to start, place your batting on top of the wood. i used the entire package because i wanted it to becozy. you can then staple it right into the wood on top, or wrap it right around the wood to give it a cushy look.


once the batting is stapled into place, you are then ready for fabric. i opted not to staple the top portion of the batting to the headboard because after doing one, i notice the top line of the headboard became a bit wavy and not smooth (you could probably make a wicked cool wavy headboard by using the staple gun creatively but i was going for a straight line)


you will then want to lay your fabric on top of the batting and space it out so that you have enough extending past the front to be able to staple far enough at the back. (i am a notorious eye baller and this works for me but you may want to measure!) if your bed is not against the wall, you will want enough to cover the entire backside as well.

once you are happy with the alignment, give the fabric one good staple at the top middle. i found working with a pattern to be a bit finicky but not terribly difficult. i got it to the best spot i could and held my breath as i stapled and hoped it worked.


once the first ones in, its smooth stapling from here. the only spot you will want to give good attention to is the corners. you will want to fold it under and then staple the fold down with another piece wrapping it in for a clean corner look.


you then really just continue stapling until all the fabric is pulled taught and in place. i even scored extra fabric to use to make some pillows!


the who project took me less than 20 minutes and cost $45.00.





Lil Bunnies Easter Party Re-cap & Freebie

there is nothing much that i enjoy more than spending time with all the kiddos i am lucky enough to have in my life.

such joy. such bare-everything honesty. such unique and wonderful personalities.

knowing that there would be 8 kiddos under the age of 4 – mostly 2 & 3s – coming to the lil bunnies party, i was certain that my preparation and activity choices would either make or break my sanity.  at least I knew the 2 older kiddos coming might balance the crazy out a bit !

decorations were kept simple. my kiddo helped me decorate and we kept it kid friendly. i admit i was disappointed that my chevron runner had not arrived in time – you can wipe it and everything ! c’est la vie. the checked table cloth worked just as well !


my sweet C was so excited she literally sat the entire morning at the table waiting for the party. from the minute she woke up saying “i didnt know you did this!!” when she saw the table…she parked herself in her spot and only got up to get dressed and then answer the door. “i love having parties” she kept saying. her momma’s daughter – i think so !


i kept the activities simple and basically without the need for much facilitating. i wanted to spend time giggling and playing and eating and chatting. this was important to me about this day. getting to BE with everyone i so love.

there was a plastic egg bin for sorting, matching, stacking, counting, finding – some kind of fun for most ages.  and an easter egg felt board activity.

eggs felt eggs

there was a craft table with basic easter craft supplies with which the kiddo made marvelous creations


we also had a mini egg hunt. i debated having an egg hunt. for a few reasons. the first is i that did not want to take away from the big hunt that the bunny would unleash on easter morning. the second reason was how the heck do you make a hunt that is fair and not insane for 10 kiddos at such different ages. so simple it was. a practice run for the real bunny hunt coming the next morning. each kiddo was given a paper bag with a hand drawn colored egg. the challenge was to find 4 eggs that were the same color as the egg on the paper bag. see, i told you simple ! and the older kiddos that came were super duper egg hiders who snuck away while the lil bunnies were having their pancake brunch.


fun and simplified munchies were served. we had pancakes with plastic eggs filled with berries, marshmallows, sprinkles, chocolate chips prepared the night before.


[inspired by www.bubblynaturecreations.com]

and grape/peep kabobs, and chocolate dipped strawberries – done up easter style of course ! (and everyone brought so many other treats to share we were certainly set to be full )


[kabobs inspired by www.thefrugalgals.com & strawberries inspired by www.handmadecharlotte.com]

everybunny left the party with some traditional Bunny Bait and lil bunny overalls filled with some easter goodies

bunny bait IMG_7199

here is a Bunny Bait Printable for tags that fit perfectly on a sandwich baggie !

[bunny bait inspired by www.bloomdesignsonline.blogspot.com]

we hope you had a wonderful easter weekend however you celebrated it !


book club party DIYs

i love books, i love spending time with wonderful women, i love thoughtful discussions, i love good food, and i am so loving our newly formed book club.

latest read was “Walking After Midnight” by Katy Hutchinson. while not an enjoyable read for all, it certainly sparked some thoughtful and reflective conversations.

just posted our recent book club DIYs on Catch My Party. pop on over and have a look !

i forgot to take photos of all the elements coming together ! – VERY unlike me – i am a kind of instagram fanatic ( and as people started coming in, i was like, oh no!!! and internally so sad but didnt want to look like a weirdo and start snapping picks. a weird internal battle ! ) i was too busy keeping my kiddo away from the cupcakes before bedtime !

this & other bits and pieces of the party pics can be found here


inspirations for the decor came from here and here and here and here.

get ready people, first post from Mel coming tonight !


DIY Art Display

My kiddo just moved into a big girl bed (more about this and how i’ve grown a third ear in a later post) and when we set her new room up there was a blank space on the wall that I could not think of how to fill.

  • wall decal check! check! and check !
  • frame montage check !
  • wall quote check !
  • hair bow holder check !
  • family and friend photos check !

I couldn’t think of what might add to the space but not overload duplicate what was already there.


Then creative magic happened!

I was at a local arts and crafts store and they had a giant sale. So much on sale for .50 !  well i suppose everything is relative isn’t it ! For me, everything I mean there was lace crochet doilies, giant clothespins, wooden plaques…I felt an idea coming on and was excited about it.

An art display area for my kiddo was just what her room needed !

diy art display

Are you ever inspired by super steals you see when you are out and about ?
