A new perspective on gratitude

The Storyteller was my pick for this months book club. I anxiously awaited Jodi Picoult’s new release in March.

I’m so glad I made the time to sit down and read it.

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But tonight as I walk past our gratitude wall, I do so with a heavy heart.


The past 200 pages of this story are moving me beyond measure, as I read about a young woman who is living through the Holocaust. I’m nearing the end and I don’t want her to stop telling her story and at the same time I wish her story was purely based on fiction.

As I look at our gratitude wall and typical mom//dad//kid schedule I can’t help but feel – well actually I don’t know what I feel – but it’s not a good feeling. What I am thankful for seems so very insignificant in the face of what so many women, children, men, babies would have been thankful for in Germany many years ago.

While I can’t change history, I can change today.

Above our door we have the words “today I’m going to try and change the world”. It was part of a country song lyric that i heard a few years ago and just couldn’t get out of my head {custom decal from Blue Couture Design}.


When I was working directly with children and women who’d experience violence, I knew I was making a difference. Now that I’ve left frontline work, the difference I can make isn’t the same – not greater or lesser, just different. And sometimes my heart and mind miss this work. As I read about atrocities such as those in this story, there’s a little part of me that comes alive again and says, ok, what can I do to make this world a better place. Because today still, atrocities happen. Here and worldwide. But I know the job I am doing raising my daughter is just as important. And maybe one day she will grow to change this world.

Today we CAN change the world. We can all do something in our own way, that makes a difference for someone. The difference may be huge, tiny, small scale or grand. But it us ours to make.

If you have a few moments, here’s a link to the video that inspired our over the door quote:

{ Johnny Reid // Today I’m Gonna Try and Change the World }


book club party DIYs

i love books, i love spending time with wonderful women, i love thoughtful discussions, i love good food, and i am so loving our newly formed book club.

latest read was “Walking After Midnight” by Katy Hutchinson. while not an enjoyable read for all, it certainly sparked some thoughtful and reflective conversations.

just posted our recent book club DIYs on Catch My Party. pop on over and have a look !

i forgot to take photos of all the elements coming together ! – VERY unlike me – i am a kind of instagram fanatic ( and as people started coming in, i was like, oh no!!! and internally so sad but didnt want to look like a weirdo and start snapping picks. a weird internal battle ! ) i was too busy keeping my kiddo away from the cupcakes before bedtime !

this & other bits and pieces of the party pics can be found here


inspirations for the decor came from here and here and here and here.

get ready people, first post from Mel coming tonight !
