Wholesome, Green Beginnings

Unlike the other 2/3 of PurpleEggplant, I live in the country.  Just outside of Ottawa, a 45 min drive to get to my Eggies.  I grew up in the country where my own momma taught me lessons I didnt even know were lessons.  Now so important to me, this slow realization that I already know ‘how to’ backyard garden and compost!

I really must tell you how very excited and inspired I am to get our new composter and garden growing.  I feel a bit embarrassed about how excited I am but… truly I am excited!  Its the little things that make you happy…right…

Last February we moved and last year we grew grass {boring} and got comfortable in our new neighbourhood.  But this year, we I have been planning, planning, planning.

Over time I have come to realize the important lessons my mother taught me about food and growing it.  A few years back I became aware that my own habit were unhealthy and actually my body was screamin’ at me to STOP!  And so the journey had begun for a healthier me.   I found Tosca Reno’s first book, The Eat Clean Diet and this helped me to get started.  Have you heard of it? If not, check it out here.  I am not where I want to be {in terms of my health and fitness} but I often remind myself that its a process and one day I will achieve it.

This new season has brought me a renewed sense of want for well being and a  home made tumbling compost and garden are my first priority.  I am eager to get my two kids Smiles and Sparkles as involved in this process as possible.

Smiles and 'worm'

{Smiles and his ‘worm’ }

{ps: Purple Eggplant is on Facebook now !}